I realized I don't have the knowledge anymore to design this blog on my own. I was hoping someone out there in the blog world could comment with a link or two (or five) with some blog design sites. The cheaper, the better. This girl is on a budget! I know that a big part of actually having regular viewers (followers, if you will) is having a nice set-up; and let's be real--I do not have that yet. ;) So any help would be greatly appreciated! I have got to get this thing going. If you are a blogger and you just so happen to stumble across 'That's Just Lovely...' and decide you'd like to help, my appreciation would not go unnoticed.
Anyway, I've recently been on a crazy budget (that...let's be real, I've never been on before) due to this car accident and the fact that I'm recovering. I don't have buttloads of money to be spending on makeup or beauty products at all. The most expensive new item I got (you'll see that first picture below), my boyfriend was nice enough to buy for me. I wanted to share with you all just a few of my favorite beauty products! I'd be lost right now without these. They are completely affordable for ladies that don't have extreme amounts of cash to go on a splurge at Sephora. Don't get me wrong (I did work a summer as a makeup artist at Sephora), it is the heaven of all makeup stores and if I had a giftcard for $(insert massive amounts of numbers here), I'd be like a kid in a candy store. Only I wouldn't have to ask my mom, "Mommmmyyyy, can I puhhh-leaaasseee get this? I neeeeeed it!" I'd just get whatever I wanted. I'm getting off topic. Here ya go:
This foundation is absolutely fabulous! I am prone to acne when I am under lots of stress, and this stuff actually helps fight acne while you wear it. It has salicylic acid in it to fight blemishes and keep them from coming back! It's light-weight and has a fresh feeling. I highly recommend it!

A dream mascara if I've ever found one. If you apply it just the right way (more on that in a later post) it actually appears that you have false lashes on! Even my own mother didn't believe me when I told her I was only wearing mascara, not falsies. This stuff is great. I can't give you an exact price on it because it has been different at every store I've gotten it at. It's not too horrible on your pocketbook, though.

Nothing is better than a sun-kissed glow and this bronzing powder does the trick for me. I used to use a lot of Bare Minerals products (and I do love them) but this is the one I have stuck with because after applying it on my cheeks, forehead, chin & nose (all the areas that normally get sun) I feel beautiful! I still highly recommend all other Bare Minerals products, but if I have to name just one...this is it!

This product is AMAZING! Pick a color that works for you. The application is super easy (it's like a marker, afterall) and it really does last. I didn't have to re-apply...this stuff stuck to my lips and gave me a perfect pout! Prices vary at different stores, I believe, but this stuff is an investment well worth it.
That's enough products for now I think. I'd love to be able to post pictures of everything that I currently have in my makeup bag, but I really just wanted to tide you all over with something while I continue to get this blog designed, sponsored, and out there. Before I go, though, I found my NEW favorite blog, so of course I feel the need to share it with you beauty lovin' ladies. I'm seriously obsessed with visiting it every single day to see what's new. Please go visit Nykki over at Nykki's Mane Blog. You will not be disappointed.
Until next time! (which includes a Q&A sesh)

you think that lip stain is amazing check out the new revlon lip balm stains... get ready for a budget beauty freak out! xoxo
ReplyDeleteReally? Thanks--now I gotta try them out! Xoxo
DeleteHi Brani! I just stumbled upon your blog through a client of mine and I just happened to see this post! :) I actually do blog design, so here is the link to my blog design site if you're interested: http://designs.adorability.org
ReplyDelete<3 Melanie
Melanie, I will definitely give your blog design site a look (probably tomorrow) and let you know! Thank you. :)
DeleteI also "stumbled" well making my way through the blog world! And I must say your blog is super adorbs. The color is fantastic and not to mention your signiture is great as well. I recently started branching out and have began blogging much more and my blog needed a makeover , so it got one from Utterly Chaotic .. The price is awesome and so worth every penny as she works with you to get you exactly what you want.
ReplyDeleteIf you'd like you can read about her in a blog post of mine , http://beautyboxcanada.blogspot.ca/2012/08/beauty-box-canada-blog-changes.html
I signed up to your blog and hoping you will sign up to mine as well
Keep doing a good job Brani your blog is fabulous!
Thank you for such sweet compliments! I am following your blog now (love it!) and am sooo glad you signed up for mine. I'll definitely check that girl's site out. Your design is just awesome! :) Have a lovely day!