Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pssst! Who's still around in this big ol' blogging world?!

Before I begin with some silly pictures, I just wanted to say hi real quick! It's been quite awhile and a lot has happened. A lot has changed. I almost forgot I owned a blog until someone reminded me. Not because I don't miss you wonderful people that have awesome blogs yourselves or just read mine, but because life has been CUHRAZY! I'm going to give a major update soon...but until then, here are some pictures of life lately. I would love to know who's still blogging. Is anyone still keeping up with this ol' blog? ;) That'd be awesome, but I don't expect it.
I'd love to catch up with my good friends that are still blogging. I do have lots to tell y'all! LOTS. Expect that actual update post sometime soon, and if you still come here to check for updates, WOW! Thank you. <3
Friends. Best Friends. What would I do without them?! I have no clue.
Pretty much my soul sister in life, Brandie.
Long hair, don't care. :P I've lost some weight! YEAH!
Summertime in Florida. We have a love/hate relationship. ;) It's SO hot! I hope everything is going well with every single one of you. I'm at the beaches now, which is pretty cool. I can't wait to tell you all about everything. God Bless and I hope to hear from some of you--FOR REAL! xoxo

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Oh, well...hey there!

I just wanted to say hi and I actually really miss the blogging world. I figured I'd update anyone who reads. I turned 26 Saturday and yes, I feel different and older. I had a great birthday, though. It's really nice to have a good time with your friends and be able to confirm that they are good people. Since I last wrote, I had two people (one that was a supposed "best friend since high school") really hurt me and I had to weed them out of my life, but it was really a very positive thing after the initial emotional pain. It made me appreciate the people in my life that lift me up every day instead of trying to bring me down and say such hurtful things. No time for it! Got life going on, ya know?! So get outttt and let me continue to learn in life and rock on. ;)
I hope you're all doing well and I can't believe people STILL check my blog. You are awesome and it makes me really happy to hear that. I love you for it, really. I promised I'd write when I wanted to, didn't I? Whomever advised me (actually, there were several of you) to keep blogging, but to do it when I want to, especially so I can look back on my life in the future and re-read what I went through or what I was thinking: you are all geniuses. Totally the best advice ever. It's really fun to go back and see what was going on in my brain at different times. Funny, mostly. I was trying so hard to be cute. Hahaha. How ridiculous.
Ummm--preach it, Audrey! Sleeping has been a major issue for me lately, which is obviously why I'm writing this at 2am. But I have learned a lot in the past month about how no matter what, you just carry on in life and grow stronger through every difficult, or even happy, situation. So, it has been a really good month because I have learned to look at things a lot differently. Well, for the most part--no one is ever truly done growing up and learning things, I don't believe. I used to, but I also realized that even at 26, I'm still learning things about myself and other people. Life in general. And it's really a great feeling! I'll try and post more sometime soon. I miss a lot of you people! It's time for me to catch up on some blogs. As always, nothing but a whole lotta love from my little corner of the world to yours. xo

Do I look older? Juuust kidding. Hopefully this is goodnight. Ha! PS. I just posted this and looked at my blog and realized it hasn't even been a month. Whatever! You get what I'm saying, right? Don't call me out.

Friday, March 22, 2013

To blog...or not to blog?

Hey friends!'s been awhile. I sooo appreciate the comments y'all left on my last post; keeping me and my family in your thoughts and prayers. It's been a tough couple of weeks, but I've been through way worse. My health problems are still affecting me and probably always will, but I do feel a little better today. And it's extremely nice to know that people care. As for the family stuff--that seems to be getting better, too, but who knows? You just have to keep praying and pushing forward in matter what, right? Thinking positively about everything. I'm trying to learn how to do that. I'm sorry if I haven't answered your emails or put buttons up, or anything I've said I would do lately. I know a lot of you are probably thinking WTF!? Sorry! Taking a "hiatus" hasn't helped much really, as far as the break from blogging goes. I've had SO much on my mind lately. Speaking of that...
I have been thinking a lot about blogging lately and whether I want to continue doing it. There are pros and cons. I have made SOOO many amazing friends (that hopefully one day I'll get to meet some of them...but I'd probably have to continue blogging for that, huh?) and gotten some incredible feedback on some of my posts. I love being able to log in to blogger and vent, speak my mind, share my stories and pictures, and visit other blogs and hear your stories. It's truly an awesome experience that I am so glad I ventured into almost a year ago. I'd always read blogs, but never thought I'd create one. The cons? I'm not too sure how many people read this, and sometimes I feel (just being honest) like I'd be better off journaling privately. There's also the time factor. I am searching for a full-time job every single day, and then trying to keep up with everything else. So, I really only post when I can't sleep...which is a lot lately. There are definitely MORE pros than cons, but I just have to make a decision. I don't want to regret giving up my blog, but at the same time, I don't want to be wasting my time when I could be sorting out my life more, ya know?
Sorry for the schpeel. Thanks for reading, if ya are. I know there are some of you that check in daily, and that's freaking awesome! I adore you for it! It makes me feel incredibly special. However, I've also lost my "mojo" it seems (haha, yeah Austin Powers reference!) for good blog storytelling. I guess I really just want to know, without sounding pitiful, from you blog or not to blog? That's the question I've been pondering a lot lately and I sure hope y'all can help me answer it. Anyone of you felt this way before, and if so, how did you overcome it? Or...did you delete your blog? Be well, loves! xo

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Have you seen this Missing Blogger?

I'm so sorry that I have been MIA. There is so much craziness going on in my life right now with my health and with some family issues. I have missed blogging and I'm honestly very sorry if I haven't responded to your emails yet, or if it just seemed like I didn't care. I do care a ton & I really miss you guys!
If you pray, I would be so grateful for you to keep me in even just one of them. If you don't pray, I'd be thrilled if you just sent good vibes my way (and my family). It would be appreciated more than you know. Thanks soooo much! I'll be back soon, and better than EVER! xo

Friday, March 1, 2013

I debated posting this...

Simply because I don't want people to think I'm depressed, or a mopey person, or a Negative Nancy. I try to be really optimistic about life, even in hard times like now.'s the sad part (and I seriously debated posting this because it really is so personal to me) and I'm going to write a little bit about it for two reasons. 1) I thought maybe, just maybe, someone out there could relate and this post would touch them and 2) I have been told that my best posts are the ones where I share personal, raw, down-to-the-core/this-is-me-and-if-you-don't-like-it-oh-well posts.
Four years ago my dad passed away. He was struggling from a very rare disease called scleroderma. We all (including him) really thought he was going to beat it, but he didn't get a chance to. This is, I believe, the last picture I got to take with him:
It was taken on his 60th birthday, the last birthday we got to spend with him. February 27th, he would have been 64 years old. Losing someone so extremely close, so near and dear to your heart...someone that should be able to walk you down the aisle of your wedding or get to meet his breaks my heart to think about. I know everyone says this about their dads, but my dad was really a stand-up guy. I want to share a cool story with you (that even I didn't know about until Wednesday) that my uncle shared with me. First and foremost, you need to know that my father was a judge. Then the story will make more sense. Ready? This is what I read on my uncle's Facebook page on my dad's birthday (trust me, you'll want to read it):
"My Big Brother Pete...yep...talent sure ran deep in this family. Miss and love you. True story. A defendant in his courtroom was going to receive his sentence, my brother knew he played guitar through some testimony given. So, after [the sentence] was handed down, the courtroom was cleared and the baliffs took the prisoner to Pete's chambers and they played a tune together on Pete's pre-war Martins that were there. After some the guy went to the Florida State Prison!"
Crazy, right? That's what kind of guy my dad was, and I hope that I have even 10% of the kindness and love that he shared. His talent was passed down to me, his talkative personality to my sister, and his smarts to my brother. Not a day goes by where I do not think of him, especially the hard days (the anniversary of his passing, his birthday, Father's Day). I am so proud to have been able to call him Dad. Sometimes, whether you believe in this sort of stuff or not, I can really still physically feel his presence. I've had some experiences, and I'm not going to share that here. Those are my moments to keep and share with my best friends and my lover.
So...I haven't gotten much sleep the past two nights, and I had to write about this. I just had to. Love is something we should NEVER take for granted. You don't ever know when someone you love so very much will leave this earth; and you might wish you'd said "I love you" a few more times before they do. Take a lesson from me, please, and do that. Give your husbands, your kids, your whole family and your friends big hugs and tell them what they mean to you. I promise you will not regret it. EVER.
Between my parents, I look like my dad. And he was a handsome dude, so I feel pretty lucky to have his awesome genes (mom helped)!
I love you, Dad! Thanks for giving me the best childhood & early adulthood I could have ever asked for, instilling (what I think, anyway) are amazing values and goals, being an awesome role model, and trying to sing along to the pop songs on the radio every single drive to school in the morning. I sure miss your versions with random, inaccurate lyrics and humming/whistling when you definitely didn't know the part. I might have been annoyed then (stupid teens, right?) but I would give anything to have one of those moments back. You are half of the reason I am who I am today, and for that, I am eternally grateful. :)
Just on a lighter note really quick, because I'm sure we can all agree that was a deep post, I wanted to tell you all something fabulous. I had my first ever Skype date with my best blogging friend, Lauren and she is just as adorable, witty, and funny as I thought she'd be. Oh, and a total babe. I'm so blessed to have made a true friend (although thousands of miles away and never having met [yet!]) that honestly cares about how I am doing...every single day! Love you, Lo! Also, I love you all for reading. Especially this post, because it was intense. You're the best readers a gal could ask for! HAPPY MARCH! xo


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tea on Tuesday Blog Hop!

  The Tea on Tuesday Social Hop is hosted by Jessica at Boys Oh Boys and Haley at Team Ibrahim, with this week's returing co-host Brani Laine from That's Just Lovely. The Tea on Tuesday Social Hop, is a multiple social link-up for everyone to meet new people, make new friends, and grow your audience! There are 4 social link-ups for you to join, including: Your Blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!
There are just a few simple rules:
1. Follow the hosts, Jessica via Networked Blogs and Haley via GFC (if you can) or RSS, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Jessica: Blog - Facebook - Twitter
Haley: Blog - Facebook - Twitter
Brani: Blog - Facebook - Twitter
2. For every social link-up you enter, visit at least 3 others from that link-up and follow them.
(*Note: When liking on Facebook, you MUST do this from your personal page. It does not count as a "like" if you like from you blog Facebook page.)
Interested in Co-hosting the Tea on Tuesday? Contact Haley at haleyibrahim {at} gmail {dot} com. Ready to hop?
Link Your Blog

Link Your Facebook

Link Your Twitter

Link Your Pinterest

Thanks for hopping with us!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Recap!

This weekend was AWESOME,
and I've got the pictures to proove it!
(and a mini-story, of course)
Dinner date with my lover before seeing my best friend who is in town from NYC!

This is obviously why we get along so well. We're both weird as ****.

My best friend in the entire world, who is too glam for her own good. I could never even try to outdue her.

The three of us have seriously been amazing friends since high school. So long ago! We still love each other.
And the best/funniest part about our friendship is that we're all so completely different.
Obviously...just look at us.
Brandon and I hit up this amazing restaurant called Mossfire Grill. Seriously the most delish place ever. We were waiting for Amanda to get done with her hair appointment. That's best friend is so weird that she comes in town from NYC to get her hair done in FL. Don't ask me...I don't get her logic anymore than you do, but I must say her bangs are looking fierce! She reminds me of a much prettier version of Lady Gaga. She's got this fierceness about her. I could never explain it; you'd just have to meet her, and well, that's never going to happen.
Then we hit up her favorite bar and met up with a bunch of other friends and Amanda (also known as "my bee-face") finally got to meet Brandon! They hit it off really well, which made me happy. He actually hit it off with pretty much everyone there really well. It's hard not to get along with him. You'd have to be seriously trying super hard to say to yourself, "I'm going to attempt to NOT get along with that dude." No one does that; at least, not that I know.
Last night I caught up on Season 2 of The Walking Dead. I bought B all 3 seasons for Christmas (so Season 3 will arrive once it's done airing) since it is his favorite show. I also secretly wanted to start watching it myself, though, so I could join him every Sunday night and not have to ask a million questions about what's going on, why this, why that. Gotta be annoying. Nashville is back on this Wednesday! Oooooh, this week is GONNA BE GOOD!
I hope y'all had weekends that were just as great! I updated the "Button Swap" page. Check it out if you're interested in swapping. It's freeeee--I don't charge...yet! Have an awesome week, as well! I wanna hear all about it on your blogs...which reminds me, if you read my blog and you still haven't left me your blog address, what are you waiting for?! I love finding new blogs to read! So hurry! Get to it! xo

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I thought it was only normal...

I told my mom, "I miss Brandon. Being with him just makes me feel better." To which she responded, "Aww! That's sweet. Really?" Really? I thought that was normal. To feel your best when you're around the one you love. Physically & mentally.
It's no secret that I have health issues if you're a reader of my blog.
Some days are better than others, some days are just extremely crappy, and some days are great. I don't want anyone to pity me. No way! I could have it far worse, and I know that. I don't have any terminal illness. I just have issues. Being with B, as sappy as this sounds, just makes me feel better. I haven't seen him in a couple of nights. I've been staying at my mom's for...mostly medical reasons. I just really love that I have this blog to write in, vent in, brag in (just kiddin'. I'm not bragging. It's okay to be in love, right?), etc.
Thanks for all of the support, whether it be comments or emails. I love my readers, and I will keep you updated with stuff as I find out!
Here are some of the other photos that were taken for our photoshoot for Heart Health Month (aka this month! Be kind to your heart.) We did a running shoot. It was sooo fun. Here they are. I hope you like them:
This was a candid. I love how it turned out!
Just posing. I really like this one, too.
Bahaha. We badass. The colors are cool, in my opinion.
Look at my big ol' butt! Haha. This is B's Facebook profile pic. Aweeesome!
I added this to my last post, but whatever. It's the coolest picture from the photoshoot. Love your heart, people!
Exercise. Eat healthy. Drink lots of water. Love.
We have our first Alpha class at church tonight. I honestly cannot WAIT to go! I know it will also help me to feel better. My Mom and hopefully my Grandpa are going, just sitting at a different table than us. I wish I had more cool stuff to tell you, but I don't.
Oh, I need to talk about sponsoring. This is kinda important.
If you look over at my sidebar, you will see that I have A LOT of sponsors. Some of them are from when I fiiiirst started my blog, and they don't even read it anymore, or respond to my emails. I am looking for sponsors that are as into my blog as they can afford to be (I realize time is precious and you must spend it only as you can allow yourself to), as I will be into your blog. Sooo, with that being said: If you haven't responded to any emails I've sent, or comments I've posted, please don't be upset if I take your button down. I just want to make room for some new sponsors whose blogs I adore, and I have been having to turn people down for too long now because of having way too many. I'll be clearing them out this week, with the exception of people I still keep in contact with or new ones.
So, if you are interested in sponsoring me, YEAH! I'm up for it now. Time to update that sponsor page. Thanks for reading! You know I always appreciate it! xo

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sneak Peek!

Two Lovebirds on Valentine's Day... ;)
(He got me that awesome picture that I hung in our living room. So creative, that guy! I got him that heart-shaped balloon that is literally the BIGGEST balloon I have ever seen in my life. I also got him a bottle of champagne [we downed it that night] and a box of chocolates. Girl on a budget...what can I say? He knows I love him.)
In case you didn't know, it's Heart Health Month. Be good to your body. We did a photoshoot, and B is working on the pics now. Here's a pic I snapped for the wrap with my cell camera...not so amazing, but whatevz.
(At this point, I was getting tired and sweaty. Ew. Expect the good pics coming really soon! He's almost done editing them.) One more, okay?

and...I usually don't share my AMAZING make-up looks with people, because I want to keep them all to myself. But this one--I figured, ehh...why not? Let them try and copy this look. Hehehe. I even did a sexy face for y'all. ;P
(That's right. Wash, Brush, Floss, Flush. I hope you do those things.)
I look like the Wicked Witch of the West. And I'm diggin' it.
Here's a close-up of the picture Brandon made me:
(I feel so blessed to have him. Does anyone that reads my blog on a regular basis recognize that pose he drew? It's from a pic from one of our photoshoots. Talented and creative don't even begin to describe him...okay, I'm getting WAY too mushy gushy. Let's end that right now.)
(And I cannot wait to share with you all my TRUE new favorite looks! Prepare yourselves!)
Have an amazing rest of your weekend! I'll get all this stuff I'm promising you up asap. Oh yeah, and if you haven't gotten around to reading my post below, please do. It's from the heart; extremely personal. It's rare to see that side of me and for me to be so...what's the word? Open, I guess. I had great feedback from it, which I honestly appreciate. I was scared y'all would be like, "That girl is nuts!", and run. Your comments meant the world to me. Thanks for being so freakin' awesome! xo

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Let's talk about our problems...

(Never have I posted a blog post this long, but I believe it's worth it. Read? xo)
Hi ladies! I'm not going to post about Valentine's Day, because I already did that early. You can read that post here. It seemed to be a hit, so I highly recommend you read it. All I will say is this: to all my single lady friends, think of ALL the money you will be saving tomorrow. ;) And then read that post. Then come back to this one because it is truly from my heart. And I have a big heart.
I'm going to share something with you. I have many secrets in my life that perhaps someday will be shared on this blog...some darker than others. I know we all do. But here's one that's not so dark, but personally eating away at me. Physically and mentally, I have many problems. I have insomnia. I have suffered with it since I was a little girl and I hate to stay awake until the wee hours of the morning. I also have severe anxiety. The two do not mix well together. I have read of a couple other bloggers that suffer from anxiety, and my heart goes out to you. It is the worst feeling--one that I cannot even describe. I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, which means it is constant (every single day, all day long) and doesn't just come and go. I am on medication for it. I also suffer from depression. Is my life awful? NO! There's nothing wrong with people that are wired a little differently (aka suffering with anxiety or depression), but sometimes you just want to throw in the towel and ask God, "Why?! Why can't I be normal?"
I have endometriosis. If you don't know what that is, there is a good explanation here. I had a laparoscopy last October to get rid of most of it, but it could not all be taken away. A lot of it was too close to my vital organs, and the doctor performing my surgery was nervous to get close to them. Needless to say, I suffer great physical pain often. I know of at least one blogger who also has this disease, and I'd like to give a shout-out to my new friend Kel. I know she understands what I'm going through. I am suffering pains from two major car accidents that will probably never go away. But ya know what? I'm lucky to be here. To be typing this.
I have other physical problems, but let's not get into those now. Here is my point: I have lots of problems, some that I won't mention until another day. I often compare myself to other women. I want to be as pretty as them, as funny and smart as them, as great of a catch as them. Why do we compare ourselves to other women? We can always say that we are okay with who we are, but I know even the most confident of women have questioned themselves at one point in time. My point, my point...what was I getting at with all of this? No matter all of our problems, our insecurities, we are all so beautiful in our own ways and should never compare ourselves to someone we wish we could be for a day, an hour, 15 minutes. My very good friend Jenna just broke up with her boyfriend (tonight, the night before Valentine's Day) and I wanted to tell you why. Because she knows she deserves better. We should all know when we deserve better. :) I love you, Jenna.
We are so great, beautiful, and strong being the women that we are.
So instead of a Valentine's Day post, I wanted to tell you what I often have to remind myself. Always, always, always love you. Be kind to you. Know how awesome you are. And NEVER settle. I'm sorry for such a long post, but I didn't know how to write my feelings in a paragraph and have you all understand. I love you. You love you. And don't stop!
Dear Brani, you are pretty. You are talented. You are smart. You are funny. You have a huge heart. You are loved. Don't believe me? Let me show you proof below.
Okay, now that I feel pretty enough (and silly enough) to press publish, I am going to end this saying something super simple! Two of my very good blogger friends are having giveaways! Go pay them a visit and enter! Lauren from Fashion, Love & Lauren (formerly The How-To Blog) and Sue from Chevron and Lace. Lauren is my best blogging buddy, so you have to go check her out! And Sue is just as cool...and way creative! One more favor. My new friend, Missy, has a fairly new blog & I know she'd love it if you checked it out. She's very talented, so she's got some cool stuff up. I love blogging so much because I get to make the most amazing friends. :) Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, my lovely readers. I am grateful that you read my blog! I honestly adore you for it. xo

Monday, February 11, 2013

To blog or vlog? That is the question.

I am so excited! Wanna know why? Of course ya do! I am getting a huge beauty product review ready for y'all. I have just ONE question for you. Would you like the review as a blog (written format with pictures)...or a VLOG (video format)?! Let me know in the comments! I'd greatly appreciate it & I can't wait to share with you my thoughts on some awesome...and some not so awesome products!