Wednesday, January 30, 2013

While I was away, things happened.

Dear Everyone in the World,
(just a quick heads up: this post is long, but worth it!)
Today is a special day. I know that you are just dying to know why now, and I'm going to tell you...if you're good. First, I just wanted to explain my introduction. I'd like to think that when I blog, everyone in the world reads it. I think this because not a lot of people always comment, and it confuses the beejezuz (no clue what that word means) out of me. So, if I pretend like the WHOLE world is reading it, I just assume that the whole world is obviously very busy. That way my feelings don't get hurt if people don't comment. Catch my drift? Yeah, you feel me. So, moving right along. Here is a pretty picture of mountains in Colorado, and I'm going to tell you a bunch of stuff. But first, ooooh and ahhh over this beautiful, breathtaking picture of snow-capped mountains.

Okay, are you done oooohing and ahhhhing? Take your time. No rush. Yes, I did take that picture. With my cellphone, inside of a moving vehicle (but don't worry! I was't driving! Brandon was, and that's mostly because my fear of driving on black ice), trying to get the perfect photo before it was too late.
Lots of things happened while I was on my hiatus from blogging.
(And to be truthful and fair, I had no idea I was taking a hiatus)
Let's back it up to around Christmas-time, though. Most of you know that I quit that lousy job (thankfully after I'd already gotten Brandon his awesome presents) a couple of weeks before the holidays. I'm so glad, because I have a bit of my sanity back (I'll never have it all back), however we are on a really tight budget now. Here's the good news, though. I have a job interview TODAY! At noon. I don't really want to get into details or even get super excited about it, because if I don't nail it, I can't share my excitement over having an awesome job with you all. So, kinda pretend like I didn't mention that...but at the same time, I would love it if you could keep me in your prayers or just send positive vibes.
Instead of writing a super long blog, I'm going to post pictures galore and write captions underneath, so you can get a feel for what's been going on with me lately without all the boring yadda yadda blah blah talk. Sound good? Great!
That is my beautiful friend Brandie, whom is one of the funniest people I'm lucky to know. We were re-creating a picture similar to one we had taken about 3 years before this one. All we were missing was goofy sunglasses and a backdrop of Target.
Who doesn't love to see a really late Christmas picture in January...almost February? There were some REALLY awesome gifts; both from me to him, and him to me. But this picture was taken right after I found out that I was going on vacation to Aspen, CO for this wonderful event called Winterskol. Brandon got me a pair of gloves, a matching beanie, that scarf in the picture, and had those all wrapped in one thing with a note that read:
You might need these when we are in Aspen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just about died. Or cried a lot and hugged him. He knows CO is my favorite state, and that I'd love to move there one day. Also, I had been so stressed out for so many months that a vacation was really needed. For both of us. And we had the most spectacular time. I can't even begin to describe how beautiful Aspen is, or the feeling you get just being there. So, I'll just post more pictures. K?
That's our family. It's a little family, but for right now, that's a good thing.
Brandon's mom and stepdad came and stayed with us right after Christmas. I had always been so scared to meet his mom (they live in Ft. Walton Beah, FL in case you were wondering...I'd only met her twice) because Brandon thought it'd be cool to tell me that she never, ever liked any of his previous girlfriends. She would never call them by their actual names, she'd just ask him, "So, how are you and what's her name doing?" But not me. She'd call and ask, "How's Brani?" which made my heart smile. She, even after only meeting me three times, absolutely adores me, and even tells me she loves me. Please excuse the dust in the above picture! That is all the jewelry (I have a love for owls) that she bought me when we went to St. Augustine for the day...on top of all the Christmas presents she got me. I think it's safe to say she really likes me and wouldn't mind if I married her son. ;)
Here is us, modeling beanies for a magazine in Aspen. ...kidding.
My babes actually made it down the mountain. Not me...but that's a whole other story.
Aspen, CO is for lovers. It was even cold INSIDE our hotel room.
You're automatically cool if you make a peace sign and have snow in the background of a picture. That's just what I've been told. The coldest day there was the day that it was -14 degrees outside. Don't forget I'm from Florida, people.
DIA. Jet lag and sadness don't make for a beautiful picture, but I like this for some reason.
Around Christmas-time, one of my very best friends came "home" to visit. I hadn't seen her since she left me for Michigan, which was a week after I'd met Brandon.
I was so excited to see her, that I didn't even care what all of our eyes looked like in this pic.
I'm running out of pictures. This post is getting long and probably really annoying anyway, so I'm going to end it around here...somehow.
I totally forgot to add a picture from our St. Augustine visit. I just really love this man. And on that note, since I am now going to be in a bit of a hurry to get ready for this job interview, I'll end with a quote I love. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do.
Not one of us is perfect, and who would really want to be, anyway? You're so good at being you. So just do that. Be you, no matter where you are, who you're with, what you're trying to accomplish. I'm going into this interview being me; I refuse to put on an act. If I don't get the job, then it just means it wasn't meant to be. And that's okay. I love you so much if you actually read this entire post (I even love you if you read most of it)! I have a great idea for my next post, but until then, I hope you enjoy reading about some of the stuff that happened while Brani took a vacay from the blogging world. I'm thrilled to be back!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Q&A Vlog Sesh!

Arrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee yooooooouuuuu readddddyyyyy?!?! It's a new thing I'm doing here, people. This is how it works: you email me (or comment) with any question you want to know the answer to. Whether it's about me, my life, Brandon's life (his is sometimes more exciting than mine haha), makeup, fashion, or anything really. I will then take a few questions each week and make a vlog Q&A sesh that you get to watch.
I know you just peed your pants with excitement, so I'll give you time to go change, grab either a beer, glass of wine, or soda & popcorn and then MOVIETIME!
Okay, let's do this!
 (Sidenote: Ew. Sorry about the hair sticking out
on the side of my head. It's a trend I'm getting
all the cool kids to start doing...)
Soooo...what'd you think? Let me know in the comments! Ask me questions! Obviously, I have decided to keep this blog, just give it a little bit of a makeover without changing the looks. Don't question that--it totally makes sense. I cannot wait to read what you all have to ask (no matter how absurd or boring a question) and make another video! I hope you enjoyed! Have a great week, ladies! And that's an order.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

And Lauren has the mic.

Hey everyone! Name's Lauren, I run "The How To Blog" (link here) which is a blog about personal style, a few delicious recipes, some beauty tips, and lots of ridiculous newlywed stories because the hubs and I have a blast together. 

And this is us:

My hubster Josh and I 
Like I said, we have a blast together. 

My posts usually have an outfit and I'll say where I got everything, then I have a section where I post quirky stories that happened and awesome moments. And of course, there is a post theme song which I listen to on repeat while I write the post.

Ho Hey by The Lumineers on Grooveshark


I'm a germ freak. I don't share silverware with people, not even my husband. When we started dating he could NOT believe that I was so grossed out by germs. Every single day, without fail, he would ask "Is today the day that you'll share a spoon with me?!" Then one day I finally said, "Yes, today is your magical day." I shared my spoon with him. And didn't do it again.

Random tangent, I know. But this story has to deal with my extreme OCD towards germs, especially mouth germs. 

In the bathroom we have a toothbrush holder with 3 holes because Josh has 2 toothbrushes. Don't ask me why, it boggles my mind too. Anyway, my toothbrush is always in the middle. Makes sense, right?

Well, the other night I was very sleepy. And slightly grumpy, but that's besides the point. I mean, come on, who doesn't get a wittle (yep, that spelling error was on purpose, in case you were wondering) bit grumpy when they're sleepy? 

So I reached for the toothbrush in the middle, I lathered it up with toothpaste, and started brushing. I looked around the bathroom,brush brush brush, looked at the clock, brush brush brush, looked at the toothbrush holder, brush brush-stopped.... Noticed my toothbrush was on the far right, and was most definitely NOT being used. 

Oh my heavens, the gagging came full force. I started heaving into the sink, and may or may not have threw up a little on Josh's toothbrush, and may or may not have (yeah, definitely did not) tell him that happened...Holy cow, sickest experience. I then rinsed with the kind of mouthwash that burns and makes your eyes water for like 5 minutes, put our toothbrushes in the CORRECT places, and brushed my teeth again. 

-Reading The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis with my Mom, and discussing the deeper meanings of the novel, and trying to figure out what it all means. 

-Waking up from a bad dream in the middle of the night, and having my best friend cuddle me until I fall back asleep. 

I'd just like to thank Brani for sharing her blog with me today! She's wondering if she should continue blogging or give it up. Everyone show her a little love and tell her how much you enjoy her blog so she decides to stay. :) 


PS. Note from Brani: I am sooo glad I asked Lauren to guest post. LO-Ren, as I call her, is a friend that I really want to meet someday in person. We're just meant to be great friends. It'll happen eventually. She is a total sweetheart who obviously has great taste in fashion. You should definitely make it a point to go visit her blog. Her followers are growing so quickly, it's blowing my mind (I "met" her when she pretty much had just started her blog and had maybe 20 followers), yet I am not surprised. You can see why. She's hilarious and adorable. My sister might be guest posting next, and then I might be back to blogging. I dunno. We'll see. What do you all think? If you read my blog on a regular basis, I'd really love to know. Because as she mentioned above, I'm not sure whether I want to continue or not. A big part of me does, but part of me is stuck. :-/ Take care, lovelies! xo