Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

Hey y'all! Get your minds out of the gutter. If you don't know what Hump Day is, it just means it's Wednesday (the middle of the work week). If you were thinking something else, you're silly... & now you know! ;) I decided to do a quick post before I get ready for work, because this isn't actually the halfway mark for me. I have to work Saturday (my job requires each of us 4 girls to work one Saturday a month. Bleh--I know, right?!) and I didn't know how much time I'd have to blog, because I also have family from up North coming here to Florida to stay with us! So, with that being said, I am providing you with pictures of Christmas in Florida. My family that's visiting knows the weather here shall I put this? A LOT different than their weather right now. Haha. SO, with that being said, here are some more pics of...
Christmas in Florida!
I forgot to show you all this one from Thanksgiving. I was told this looks nothing like me...but whatevz. I took this on my way to Gainesville (my sister lives there and we had Thanksgiving dinner there) while slammed like sardines in a tiny BMW with 4 other people. Was that fun? Oh, yes. We all became super close. Eck.
Just kidding. That's totally not me. (I'm a REALLY young looking 25 year old!) But that picture really describes the mood I was feeling the whole 2 hour drive to and from (so, total 4 hour round trip) that day and night. Night was the worst, because I was soooo tired and had to be at work super early the next day! Okay, wah wah, I'll stop complaing right now.
What else is in the works? Remember last post I was talking about the giveaway that's being prepared? Oh my gosh! Y'all are going to want to enter 528487502 times. I am teaming up with my sweet friend, Spring, who owns her own business to bring you all some lovely, all natural bath & beauty products...and maybe, just maybe, something else! ;) That's why you gotta stay tuned.
WE GOT OUR CHRISTMAS TREE UP & FULLY DECORATED! Well, almost. We still need to go pick out a topper. (I'm thinking a cool looking star. I like stars.) The wonderful thing about this picture is that all those presents under the tree...ummm, yeah, they are for me. My boyfriend? Sheesh. It could just be that he got really amazing deals since he didn't have to work Black Friday and got to shop for me. It could also be the fact that he is truly amazing and one of a kind. I got to shop for him on Cyber Monday, and although he won't have as many presents as I do, I believe he will absolutely love what I got him! I can't tell you what that is, though, because I'm not sure if he ever reads my blog. Probably not, but just in case! Anyway, here's our tree!
Yeah...I'm pretty much in love with it. Especially since it's our FIRST tree together! Many more to come, I hope.
Now before I let you go, since I might not be blogging until this weekend, I wanted to leave you all with an AMAZING 5-minute makeup tutorial that can help you out just in case you're running late to get somewhere. Marlena from is one of my favorite video tutorial beauties, because not only does she know what she's doing & talking about, but she has her own awesome makeup line. I think I told you all once before that I bought her Eyeshadow Starter Kit with a zebra print Z-Palette. I'm going to include that in my next set of beauty reviews. Man, oh man, I have lots of reviews to get done. Without further ado, here is the tutorial...and just remember you don't have to use the same exact products she uses (if they are too expensive, go for something similar that fits your budget):, I am off to get ready for work. Enjoy the pictures & tutorial, and see ya soon! Have a very happy Hump Day! I cannot wait to give you the deets on the giveaway. Catch ya later this weekend? xo


  1. ooh I'm excited for the giveaway. you should just rig it so I win. :)
    annnd I'm going to put up our tree this weekend when we get home. yay for christmas.

    1. Ohmuhgawsh! I'm stoked for it, too! I should just rig it for you... hrm. I'll think about it. ;) PS. Can't wait to see pics of your tree! I bet it'll be gorg! xo

  2. oooh that tutorial is awesome!! thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh, it's no problemo, girl! I swear--Marlena really has the BEST tutorials. Go check out her website. However, I'll post more from her on here lots more in the future.

  3. you are cracking me up with your pictures of Christmas in Florida - I can only imagine!

    1. Hahaha! I'm glad you like them! ;) I think I was supposed to be born, or at least grow up, up North. Maybe I'll be able to move there soon... :P And, yep, it's pretty hot here still!

  4. hooray for first trees! i totally feel your excitement, because it's our first tree too :)

    1. Awwww! Yay! It is incredibly exciting, isn't it? Congrats on your first tree, too. :]

  5. Your pictures are sooo adorable! You are one gorgeous lady. And the picture of that little girl-hilarious!


    1. Shucks, Lo! You're all making me blush here. Hahahaha. Thank you!!! And I'm glad you enjoyed the pic of the little girl, too. I just could not resist posting that. I'll be emailing you back in the morning, btw! Early morning emails to Lauren before getting ready for work. Yes, ma'am. I don't mess around with pen-paling.

  6. love the tree and your blog design is just the cutest thing i have ever seen.

    1. Thank you, Harley! I'm so glad you like both. :]

  7. Love the tree, seems weird seeing a tree up knowing that its super sunny outside :) Fellow FBL'r here followed your blog, would love it you came over and showed some love.

    1. Thank you! Haha--it is funny, isn't it? It is still really HOT outside sometimes here! I will definitely visit your blog asap and follow along. xo!

  8. The tree looks great:) Now following you:) Please check out mine and maybe follow:)would love to know what you think x

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, I will check your blog out asap. Have a lovely day/night! xo

  9. Thanks, Brani, I really needed that tutorial. :) I'm just shocked at how many products are needed for such an easy, effortless look! Good thing its almost Christmas.

    Also, its hilarious that I could choose to comment under a livejournal profile. If only I still had my account...

    1. No problemo, Jordano! You don't really need ALL those products, but it sure does make it easier; also, it makes the look more natural. I think it's funny that you could post under livejournal, as well. :P Ooooh, those were the days!

  10. i miss christmas in florida! when we moved out of fl when i was about 6 years old, we went back every christmas but then i stopped going about two-three years ago and i really miss it!

    1. You should come back! Christmas in FL can be both great and awful...sometimes I wish it would snow. :-/

  11. What a cute blog! Love the pics! Wanna follow each other? Come by and let me know! xoxo

  12. Hello! Found you VIA the Aloha Bog Hop...i'm excited to keep reading your follower :)
