I was nominated for:
The Liebster Award!
I've been nominated for a Liebster Award by
my lovely friend Keeley over at Tales of Nails.
Apparently "this award is all about discovering new
blogs and helping those with less than 200 followers get recognized". The
rules to follow after being nominated are:
1. Each person tagged
must post 11 things about themselves.
2. They must also answer the 11
questions the 'tagger' has set for them.
3. They must create 11 more
questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
4. They must then choose
11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and tag them in their post.
5. These
lucky bloggers must then be told.
6. There are no tag backs.
So here I
go with the 11 things about myself:
1. I do a (so I hear) PERFECT Krusty the Clown laugh impersonation. Y'know, Krusty from The Simpsons? It can be really embarassing, so I only do it around friends.
2. I am a vegetarian (the only thing from animals I eat is cheese, and sometimes if egg is IN stuff I don't let it bother me much. I will eat it usually, unless I'm being extremely picky that day) and have been since I was young.
3. I can count my good, good friends on one hand. I can't even use ALL my fingers on that hand. Is that awful? Maybe it's good...
4. I absolutely LOVE going grocery shopping! After that, drug stores like CVS and Walgreens are my favorites. I could spend hours in those stores! Then Sephora...oh! Who could forget Target? I go in there for one thing and leave with ten! Ugh.
5. Although I love fashion, I do not like going clothes shopping. Let me re-phrase that. I don't like trying everything on. I'd much rather just buy what I like and return what doesn't look good on me. However, 98.99% of the time, I try it all on first.
6. I am a complete insomniac. It's so hard for me to get to sleep.
7. I have been in two awful car accidents, and with both, I am extremely lucky to be alive.
8. I have been out of the country three times. Canada, Mexico, and Israel. I loooooved our family trip to Israel. So beautiful and inspiring. Life there is so very different than here in the U.S. of A.
9. I have been scuba diving in the keys with lots of barricuda, but mostly pretty coral and beautiful fish. There were a couple nurse sharks we saw that we stayed away from, even though nurse sharks aren't known to mess with you.
10. Blogging, to me, is not embarassing for my "real-life-friends" to know about. If they don't like it, or think it's weird, they can get over it. I don't force them to read it. Most of them are incredibly understanding about my passion for it, though. Some even read to get beauty product reviews and advice, or ask if I can post about certain things so that they can read them or pass it along to their friends.
11. I am completely in love with decorating. I just got my own apartment with my boyfriend, and since we are tight on cash right now, it is SLOWLY coming together. However, each time we get a bit of extra money to add new decorations, I get so extremely excited and like to pretend I'm on one of those decorating TV shows. I believe I am pretty good at it. I probably should have gone to school for interior design. Oh well...?
My 11 Questions (and answers) from Keeley are...
1. What came first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken. It had to lay the egg. Duh.
2. What's your fav
music? I am pretty good at singing country music, so that's okay, but not my favorite. I love indie & definitely enjoy alternative rock! However, I was brought up on classic rock! Yeahhh! ;)
3. Are you a flats or heels kinda girl? Typically heels, because I love getting glammed up. However, if it's just a random day out with my girlfriends or my guy (nothing fancy), then I am all about flats or flip-flops/sandals. I am from Florida, afterall.
4. If you could bring one
person back from the dead for the day, who would it be and why? My Grandfather that I never got to meet. My Dad's dad. I hear he was such an amazing person, and I really wish I had had the opportunity to meet him. But If you're talking someone famous, I guess I would pick a cliche Marilyn Monroe. There are so many questions I'd love to ask her and get real answers to, and also some advice from. I'd also ask her to lay off the bad stuff because she is so beautiful. :-/
5. Sweet or
savoury? Food? I don't get this question; possibly because I am a vegetarian. Can I just say that I really want some sweet & sour candy right now, along with chocolate? Mmmm!
6. What's your biggest fear? I have many. Having the love of my life fall out of love with me and leaving me, for sure. I don't think I'd be able to move on for a very long time, and even once I did, I doubt I'd want to date after that...until I was, like, 80.
7. If you could rewrite your life,
would you change anything? This is tough, because I know everything happens for a reason. Obviously, I wish my Dad was still here with me. But God took him up to Heaven for a reason. There are many things I have done, or even not done, that I am not proud of in my life. But no, I wouldn't change anything. I would not be where I am today--and I like where I am; just gotta get organized, fit, and fix a few things. ;)
8. What did you always want to be when you were
growing up? An actress. Still do.
9. What's your favourite quote? It's from a Rolling Stones song. "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you might find, you get what you need." It's just soooo fitting for life!
10. What's your fav animal and
why? I love cats, because I have a cat, and he's our adorable little munchkin. I grew up with cats and dogs, though, so I love pups, too! However, I grew up riding (even competing) in horseback riding, so I pick horses! They are beautiful creatures who can actually be amazing friends. (It's hard to explain unless you ride, as well. Then you'd get the friend thing.)
11. Where is the one place in the world you want to travel to before you
die? France. Our kitchen and parts of our apartment are French cafe themed, so I think it'd only be fair for me to visit.
My 11 nominations for this award (in no particular order)
1) Things I Tell My Sister
My 11 questions for you all to answer are:
1. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one make-up product with you, what would you bring?
2. What is your go-to comfort food?
3. What famous actress would play you in the movie version of your life and why?
4. Do you have a favorite quote? Please share!
5. What is your dream job?
6. Heels, flats, or flip-flops? (Not having anything to do with the weather...just in general.)
7. What is your biggest fear?
8. Do you share your blog with friends or family offline? Are they supportive of your blogging passion?
9. What are some of your biggest pet peeves?
10. If you could switch places with a celebrity for a day, with whom would you pick?
11. What was your first kiss like? (You don't have to go into TOO much detail. Just like...who was it with, was it nice or awkward, and where did it take place type thing.)
Make sure to do all the steps and add the button to your blog! I'm so glad I had to search around for new blogs, because I found some really great reads! ;)